In life, we come across many paths. Whatever crossroads may come our way, choose to find joy in your journey. The path may not lead you in the way you expected. Your path might be flat and easy or it might be bumpy and full of hills. But you never know where it might lead! You can't always choose where your path may take you but you can choose your attitude. Heavenly Father knows what path will help you become the person He wants you to be. Trust His path for you.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Coming Home...

The time has come… for my last blog post in Ghana! Wow. I don’t even know where to start. 
The last four months has been quite a journey.

Before coming to Ghana in August I felt like I had a very narrow view of Africa, and of the world. I don’t think any of us actually realize how big the world actually is. We just go about our daily lives, not really thinking about what might be going on in another country or continent. We are just one person out of BILLIONS on this earth! And oh wow have I realized how many good people there are in this area of the world.

I know that when I get home that people will want to know about my experience here in Ghana. They will ask, “How was Africa?” and my short answers will include, “It was great,” “It was different,” “It was HOT!” I will not be able to really give an accurate description of what changes I have experienced here in just a few short words or sentences. It is similar when you are asked the question, “How was your mission?” Well, if you really want to know about how my mission went or how my experience here in Ghana was like, you will need to take more than three hours for me to even just scratch the surface.

I have contemplated what the biggest lesson that I have learned from this experience is… And I would say that I have learned about the importance of the individual. I know and believe that each person we meet or see is indeed a child of our Heavenly Father. He knows each and every one of us individually and by name. We are important to Him. Do we really understand the value that each person has as we pass by one another? I know that I didn’t. And I still don’t know if I ever will fully understand that. But this experience has taught me that we all need to SLOW DOWN our lives and take the time to get to know, to appreciate, and to love the individual.

There are many individuals who have impacted my life. I have developed relationships here with people that I want to last for a very long time. Although our paths may be taking us away from each other for a while, I know that we will meet again. I know that we will share the memories of this experience and keep them close to our heart.

I don’t know when/if I will ever get the chance to come back to this part of the world. But I know that I will never forget the time that I had here. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with this opportunity to come and to have had so many wonderful experiences with so many wonderful people. I leave on Sunday to fly out to London! I am very excited to spend some time there traveling and seeing some friends. I look forward to reuniting with my family and spending the holidays with them. I thank everyone who has taken the time to read this blog. I know that sometimes I can be long-winded (like today) but I appreciate it anyway. I hope that you have been able to see a little of what I have been experiencing for the last 4 months. I hope to continue to post on this blog and use it to share more about my life experiences. 

May we all find joy in our journey.

1 comment:

  1. How do you have a picture with loads of people and you don't have one with me? :(
