In life, we come across many paths. Whatever crossroads may come our way, choose to find joy in your journey. The path may not lead you in the way you expected. Your path might be flat and easy or it might be bumpy and full of hills. But you never know where it might lead! You can't always choose where your path may take you but you can choose your attitude. Heavenly Father knows what path will help you become the person He wants you to be. Trust His path for you.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Is Coming!

It is already a week into March! Spring is on its way and I can't wait for it to warm up a little bit! From what I have heard, it has been pretty warm in Utah the last few weeks. Wish I could get some of that heat up here haha. 

In just a few weeks my internship will be half-way over! SAY WHHHAAATTT?!? There’s quite a lot to write about. Internship, Oregon adventures, personal stuff, everything! 

I guess the most importantmy internship is going great! I think my last blog post I described in detail about the population that I work with at Oregon State Hospital. I am preparing for my upcoming 10-week term of groups that starts the end of this month. I will be leading 15 hours of group each week! Some of my groups include: Music and Relaxation, Song Sharing, On-Unit Groups, Songwriting, Drumming, 1:1 Music Therapy, and some of my own created groups where I get to explore some new ideas with treatment. I am excited and also overwhelmed at the same time. 
I have really great supervisors so I know that they will support me as I make this transition. 

Overall, things are going really well with my internship. I am really learning how to be flexible and adapt what I am doing based on the patients in my group and where they are (mentally) at that moment. It is teaching me how to be prepared to adapt everything! I have had a few challenges here and there, but it is just mostly dealing with working in a state-run facility and not much to do with what I am actually doing with regards to music therapy. 

I have been asked by a few co-workers recently what my plans are for when my internship is over. And my honest answer for that is….. I have no idea! At least for now, I think I will stick around the Portland area when I am done. 
My roommate Marisa’s internship isn’t done until August so I at least have somewhere to live for a bit while I figure everything out. I am thinking just enjoy the summertime in Oregon, study for my board exam, and do some major job hunting. Other than that… the world is my oyster haha. 

In other news… I am making a quilt! I started when we had a snowstorm and were stuck inside for a few days.  

I won a free pair of running shoes! I entered my name into a raffle and I won. Best day ever! 

I went on a waterfall adventure to about 5 different waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge area. It was a little rainy but the waterfalls were stunningly beautiful.  

I was introduced to the Landmark Forum through a music therapist that I admire and I am going to participate in the first stage of the conference this upcoming May! I don’t know a lot about the Landmark Forum, but even with just an introduction, I have made some necessary changes in my life for the better and I feel like this is a great opportunity to continue learning how many new and exciting things can be a possibility in my life!  

And most recently, just this past weekend, I went with a group of friends on a day-trip to Seattle! We saw this super cool troll statue under a bridge and we meandered along Pike’s Market for the afternoon.  

I am really trying to do better at eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis. I joined a Crossfit gym and I have been going to the 5:30AM class… yes I said 5:30AM!!! It is actually super convenient for me to go at that time so that I can get my workout done and meet up with my carpool at 6:50AM. I also get a discounted price because I am technically still a full-time student. I went pretty consistently last week and I am excited to get by butt back into gear again. I have just let myself slide too far down the mountain with regards to my physical health. I cut out sweets for Lent and I am trying to get in about 60-90 minutes of exercise everyday. It might seem a little excessive but I am trying to be passionately committed to it. 

I think that sums up the last few weeks on my end. I hope all of my family and friends around the world are doing well. I miss you all.

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